FInds stories

Find out more about some of our most exciting archaeological finds from the battlefield, which have been researched and assembled into collections by our Finds Programme participants!

A veteran holding a Scots Guard button, discovered at Hougoumont farm in 2019.jpg

Battle of the buttons

Learn more about the buttons that tell the story of the battle for the North Gate at Hougoumont farm. 


an explosive discovery

One of most exciting discoveries yet required a call to the Belgian bomb squad! 

Château d’Hougoumont

Hougoumont played a crucial role in the battle, but has stood for centuries before and after it too. Learn more about the finds that give us insight into Hougoumont farm. 

Life of a Musket Ball

Musket balls are one of the most common finds from the battlefield. Find out what they can tell us about the Battle of Waterloo.

Silver snuff box with the inscription Presented to James Callum by his son James
James Callum

Find out more about the story of Private James Callum, the ancestor of one of our Finds Programme participants! 

A close up image of a gold button with a crown and a cypher reading F A
Same Kit, Different Day
Finds such as buttons and tools bring us as close as we can get to the men who fought and died at Waterloo over 200 years ago.
Shako Plate
The Eagles Claws

Learn more about an exciting find in our collection, which once belonged to a French soldier...

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